Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to get my husband to stop snoring so loud?

Its horrible! I'm trying to fall asleep before him, so I fall asleep, but he sleeps, as if it on the pillow. It is an operation's diet affect snoring (avoid fatty foods and chocolate milk, or just before bedtime) Smoking can cause snoring, I'd say get earplugs for yourself, do not work if the other solutions. Poke him in the ribs, so he repeated. Give him a pillow, close your mouth, but the best way is to try to return him to lie on his side. There is something called No snoring I think you can find it in the store, or does it mean to stop snoring. There are all kinds of products, and because I snore - I've tried many. The most effective is basically a mouthpiece, which I put in my mouth every night. It keeps my jaw a little more forward than normal and that a clear airway offers all night, no matter what position I got in the end completely to stop snoring. You can probably find these things in drug stores, but I bought mine through Amazoncom for about $ 20. It can be used several times, but they say it should be replaced every 6 months. It 's very well worth it. I sleep better. Best wishes. Breathe Right nasal strips help me a lot. Make sure your face is clean and dry and put it on before going to sleep. Try that before going to bed, ask your husband to put a piece of cough drop or gap between the cheek and gum. One of my friends told me that works well for her husband .


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