Sunday, March 6, 2011

How can I get my husband to stop snoring?

My husband is a former smoker (he has no ciggie in 5 months) and is chronically congested. He snores incredibly loud, and it keeps me from falling asleep - and it is an at-home mom to a boy 2 years old, sleep is a necessity. I met him, said: "Hush!" The rolls (which is not easy because he is overweight), he participated in the launch him.none more than two minutes. What products have helped out there for someone who has the same problem? I urge both sides of my cheeks when man opens his mouth. Sometimes it works for some time, and sometimes for a minute. I usually on the couch when it really bad sleep. Good luck! I think he wants snoring puff from his mouth not your nose, or maybe there is a problem with the nose and breathing ask ur doc give verbal inserts that are designed to open the airway. dentist or oral surgeon. If he sleeps on his back in bed, trying to convince him to sleep on the side. When switched on, the fabric falls into gorge in a way that causes snoring This is undoubtedly the most effective and immediate. In addition, a healthy person is less likely to snore. Studies show that many things they eat and exercise and are less likely to snore. Finally, some of which can only be innate. The possibility exists that there is nothing you can do. I sympathize! I lived with a snorer for 39 years. Try going to bed and sleep in front of him. If you wake up at night and I can not sleep, for "Mac Truck runs Apache Summit, again, go to the other bed. In fact, I sleep in a chair in the pit of the night. And 'much calmer . Get a tennis ball belt around the waist by a rope. Connect so that when you sleep on your back, he feels uncomfortable with the tennis ball. It works in reality, if you can convince to try this .


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